design samples (free when returned)

design samples (free when returned)


Our samples make it easy to take the guesswork out. Many of our customers like seeing the color and feeling the quality of our luxury rugs in person before purchasing a rug. Complimentary when returned within 2 weeks — with free shipping to and from you.

Just follow these 5 Steps for a full refund of your sample deposit: (1) use the package you received the sample(s) in, (2) attach the enclosed pre-paid USPS label to the outside of the package, (3) place the sample rug (just as it came to you) into the package, (4) tightly close and tape the package, and (5) give it to the same carrier that delivered it to you (this will be either USPS or Fed Ex). Once we receive the sample in the same shape we sent it to you, we refund your money. We require deposits for samples to increase their return to us. This increases re-use and reduces waste. Thank you.

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